One of the biggest problems of EV driving is the lack of charging capacity in the UK. Those with driveways can charge their cars at home, and the data shows that most EV users do this. As such the news that the UK government is making the installation of EV chargers mandatory from 2022 is excellent news.
In the speech that eventually got lampooned for his Peppa Pig rant, Boris Johnson was due to say to the Confederation of British Industry conference, “This is a pivotal moment - we cannot go on as we are. We have to adapt our economy to the green industrial revolution. We have to use our massive investment in science and technology and we have to raise our productivity and then we have to get out your way. We must regulate less or better and take advantage of new freedoms.
Johnson added, “We will require new homes and buildings to have EV charging points – with another 145,000 charging points to be installed thanks to these regulations.”
One firm that will be happy with this is ZPN! ZPN Hubz, 50kW charging stations can be installed in any car park or driveway. These systems can store energy at off-peak time or from solar generation and release the energy into an EV battery at a cost-efficient price at any time of day.
The same news release from the government also said that new office and retail developments must also have EV charging units. One classic customer service offer is to charge customers’ EVs while they are shopping.
This is where the ZPN Ultra, 125kWh charging station comes in. The customer can get a sizeable charge from such a unit while spending their 45 minutes in your supermarket doing their weekly shop. Such units would add to the attractiveness of using your store for those who live in older or high density housing without the ability to charge their vehicles at home.
Let’s face it, listening to the news these days makes us all say a few choice words best not heard by the children in our lives! This news isn’t of that kind - a brief but nice change in narrative. As can be seen with the Peppa Pig thing, the business of catastrophe rapidly resumed…